Sunday, December 13, 2009
Norman Rockwell's Painting Comes To Live In This Tiny Town
Beware Of Your Digital Communications
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Salahis Couple Looking To Cash In
Monday, October 19, 2009
State Police Trooper Suspended Without Pay For Assault On Motorist
State Police Trooper Mark Edward Shutkufski, 39, has been suspended without pay pending the outcome of the charges.
The incident happened after Trooper Mark Shutkufski pulled Brian McCasland's car over along Route 191 for a routine traffic violation, police officials have said. The encounter was captured by a video camera mounted on the state trooper's vehicle's dashboard.
According to the arrest affidavit, Mr. McCasland told police he was seated inside his stopped vehicle when Trooper Shutkufski approached the car, he started yelling about motorists driving too fast and punched Brian McCasland in the chest through the vehicle's open window.
Mr. McCasland opened his cell phone and said he was going to call 911, Trooper Shutkufski demanded the cell phone and begun reaching into the vehicle with both arms while pulling at the victim, the affidavit said. The trooper eventually opened the vehicle door and placed his entire body inside until he was able to get the cell phone from Mr. McCasland.
According to state police, Trooper Shutkufski went back to his patrol car and returned to the vehicle, he then pointed his Taser at Brian McCasland's head and face at close range while threatening to shoot him, the affidavit said.
Mr. McCasland complained to state police after the stop, and internal affairs investigated the allegations. The district attorney's office reviewed the investigation and referred it to the state attorney general's office for prosecution, state police said.
Sgt. Jeffrey P. Balut, a supervisor with the state police Internal Affairs Division, filed a complaint before Magisterial District Judge John D. Whitesell charging Trooper Shutkufski with misdemeanor counts of simple assault and official oppression, along with a summary count of harassment.
Article brought to you by the people at the Ass Tattoos - Tit Tattoos - Pussy Tattoos - Belly Button Tattoos website.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Woman's Prank Causes Riot At Clothing Store
Linda Brown was arrested Tuesday after an hours long shopping spree that began when she hired a stretch Hummer limousine to drop her off at a Burlington Coat Factory store, police Sgt. Lt. Michael Deakins said. Brown walked to a cash register and loudly announced she had won the lottery and would pay for each person's merchandise up to five hundred dollars.
Apparently people who were in line were calling relatives who were not at the store and telling them to come down in a hurry.
People flooded the cash registers as cashiers began ringing up purchase after purchase, but Brown had not yet paid the bill, Deakins said. At least 500 people filled the aisles and another 1,000 were outside the store trying to get in.
"She was telling people she won $1.5 million, but it ends up she didn't win anything. She had no money to pay for anything."
By the time employees realized Linda Brown didn't have any money to pay she already had taken off in the limousine, police said.
That is when angry customers realized that they weren't getting free coats and began throwing merchandise on the floor and grabbing clothes without paying for them.
The angry customers started throwing merchandise all over the store and began looting, leaving the store looking as though a hurricane had passed through it, police officials said.
"Everybody was saying, 'I still want my free stuff,' and that started the riot," police said. "It looks like Hurricane Katrina crashed through the clothing store."
Police said they have no way of tracking down the customers who stole items and fled, but they are reviewing surveillance videos in hopes of catching at least some of them.
Finally the limousine driver realized he wasn't going to get paid the nine hundred dollars Linda Brown owed him for the day's rental, that's when he turned her in to the police.
Linda Brown, 44, was arrested on three outstanding warrants for aggravated menacing, misuse of a 911 system and causing false alarms. She was jailed late Wednesday, but no charges had been filed against her related to the coat store chaos pending a mental health evaluation.
Article brought to you by the people at the Golden Showers - Pissing Videos website.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Winner Of Marathon Race Doesn't Need To Be At The Actual Event

There's a very good chance that the first runner to complete the Steamtown Marathon Race will not be the winner of the race. In fact, that runner won't even be on the 26mile race course at all.
Instead, Major Gary Beaty of the United States Army will run the marathon via satellite from his Forward Operating Base in Ghazni, Afghanistan.
Here's how it all works, Major Beaty is wearing a Garmin runner's GPS receiver that records distance, time, average pace and the his heart rate. He will run the race on a 1.1-mile circular track around the Arny base. When he's finished, Beaty will send a digital photograph of the GPS to Steamtown Marathon officials to show he has completed the required distance and his finishing time.
Having heard about the Steamtown Marathon from other runners, Beaty sent an e-mail to assistant race director Jim Cummings, who was more than happy to accommodate him.
"We have heard of runners before who would run from satellite locations," Cummings said. "So when he contacted us, not only did we say we would allow it, but we would be honored to do it as thanks for his service to our country."
A 39 year old husband and father of two sons from San Antonio, Texas, Major Beaty has been an active duty Army officer for more than fifteen years now. He began running long distance races in 2006 and is a member of a group called Marathon Maniacs. He has completed 23 marathons, such as Washington, Chicago, Miami and Little Rock, Arkansas. He also has completed eight ultra marathons, races with a distance longer than 26.2 miles, including a trail run through part of Death Valley, a race to the summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado and a 78.6 mile run around the perimeter of Lake Tahoe.
"I'll probably finish my run a little before the actual event back in the States as we are 8.5 hours ahead of EST," Major Beaty said in an e-mail. "Of course, this depends on our operations schedule." During his deployment, Major Beaty has completed satellite marathons in Wyoming, Idaho, New Hampshire and West Virginia.
"My short term goal is to complete my 50th marathon and a 50 mile race before turning 40 years old in 2010 and then train to finish a 100 mile marathon race in 2011," Major Beaty said. "Long term, I'm working on running a marathon in each of the 50 states and one on each continent."
"In the past I have most enjoyed the atmosphere of running in the small and mid sized marathons back home and have sought to participate in similar events while over here in Afghanistan. That has certainly paid off. I have received dozens of e-mails from other runners, veterans and even the local media wishing me good luck with their local races and for a safe return home to my family. It has really been inspiring."
Article brought to you by the people at the Cartoon Sex - Porn Cartoons And Sex Cartoons website.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Treasure Hunt Turns Out To Be A 40 Year Old Prank

A woman from Illinois who set out on a treasure hunt for buried gold coins after finding a cryptic note in an antique rocking chair may have been the victim of a prankster who died more than thirty years ago.
With the help of a donated backhoe, Patty Henken recently ripped up a vacant lot in Springfield, Illinois, where a note written on a typewriter signed by Chauncey Wolcott, found in an antique chair she bought at an auction last November suggested she would find a treasure chest containing more than $250 in United States gold coins.
Patty Henken's life got interesting in May when, while prying off the seat of a antique rocking chair she bought at an auction five months earlier, she discovered a small envelope with "Finders Keepers" typewritten on it. Inside, a key was taped to a typed note.
"This dexter key will unlock a lead treasure chest," the note began, before spelling out a location in Springfield, 1028 N. Fifth Street, where a chest containing more than $250 in United States gold coins supposedly was buried twelve feet underground.
The treasure, the note claimed, included eight $20 gold pieces, six $10 gold pieces, five $5 gold pieces, three $2 1/2 dollar gold pieces and two $1 gold pieces.
The undated note, signed by a Chauncey Wolcott included a request to contact the Springfield newspaper if the chest was ever found.
The dig turned up nothing but bricks and old bottles. Henken planned to return Tuesday with the donated services of a man with ground penetrating radar meant to detect any buried items, but the treasure note's promise may already be debunked.
An Iowa woman who read newspaper accounts of the treasure hunt said she knows Wolcott's true identity, John "Jay" Slaven, a notorious practical joker and coin collector who often used a typewriter in his pranks.
John Slaven had used the pen name Chauncey Wolcott and lived for decades at the location where the dig took place, until his death in 1976 , according to Betty Atkinson Ryan of Mason City, Iowa. She e-mailed a columnist for the State Journal Register of Springfield to set the record straight.
Atkinson Ryan told the newspaper that Slaven was her boss in the Journal Register's classified advertising department decades ago. She said Slaven often used a typewriter to write some of his practical jokes and signed them Chauncey Wolcott. The newspaper said archived news articles described Slaven as an actor with a booming voice that he used in television appearances, and on about 50 radio shows.
Henken, of Mount Sterling, Illinois, said on Sunday that she was disappointed there's no closure but still was hopeful Slaven may have left some treasure to unearth.
"My friends feel like I was cheated out of finalizing this," said the 48 year old Henken, a window clerk at the post office in Mount Sterling. "There's something down there. He wouldn't play a practical joke without leaving me something."
That property's current owners gave Henken permission to tear up the site in search of the supposed treasure if they got an equal share of any find. But they stopped the digging now that Slaven may have pulled one over on everyone.
"It's done, other than me fixing up their dug up yard," Henken said. "It's been fun, though. I'd do it again tomorrow. I just hope my life isn't so boring from now on."
"I fully expect to do something like this before I die," she said. "But I would leave them something to find, a clue to who I was and not leave them wondering what kind of sick person would create a prank like this."
Article brought to you by the people at the Statue Sex - Sex With Statues website.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Man Using Twitter Gets Arrested
Madison is a self described New York City anarchist who has been accused of "tweeting" the location of policemen to protesters that were trying to evade officers during the Group of 20 economic summit in Pittsburgh.
Madison was arrested along with dozens of other protesters on the opening day of the G-20 summit, a gathering of finance ministers and central bank governors from among the wealthiest nations on earth.
The New York Post first reported his arrest in Saturday editions.
According to the criminal complaint, police officers acting on a tip arrested Elliot Madison at the Carefree Inn on Kisow Drive in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The complaint said that Madison and another man were found in a room in front of computers and telecommunications equipment, wearing headphones, and surrounded by maps, contact numbers and police and emergency scanners. The men were communicating with protesters by cell phone and Internet, including Twitter, the complaint said. It was not clear whether the second man was arrested also. A Pennsylvania State Police spokeswoman did not immediately return a call on Saturday and his attorney, Martin Stolar, also did not immediately return a call for comment on Saturday.
In a court filing filed on Friday, Stolar asked a federal judge to prohibit authorities from examining materials seized by FBI agents during a raid of Madison's house the day earlier. According to his filing, the agents were at the house for around sixteen hours Thursday and seized items, including political writings, computers, cell phones, anarchist literature and "identifying information of political associates."
Stolar said the search was illegal and some of the materials seized in the raid were likely protected under the First Amendment. The judge issued a temporary order of protection stopping investigators from examining the material, the New York Post reported.
In his filing, Attorney Martin Stolar also described his client as a political anarchist and social worker for the Fountain House, an organization that helps people with mental illnesses. He said that Elliot Madison was politically active, providing legal assistance to those interested in expressing political points of view through demonstration and other activity through an organization known as The Peoples' Law Collective.
Article brought to you by the people at the Nude Twins website.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Hentai - Anime Porn Cartoon Videos
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sex With Statues - Statue Sex

For as long as I can remember whenever I came across a statue I always had an urge to have someone take a funny sex with a statue picture , strange sense of humor I thought. Then I came across a website with these kinds of funny pictures, and wow, I'm not alone! I'm thinking about sending in some pictures of my own. A lot of the people on there had some pretty imaginative ideas, especially some of the women. I went through every page and got a lot of laughs.
"Sex with Statues- Funny Pictures" is the title of a section on the website. It features people sexually molesting, sexually abusing, and sexually violating statues.
These people are just having fun pretending to have sex with statues while their friends take the pictures. No statue is safe! Ronald McDonald get sexually molested, Arnold Schwarzenegger gets sexually abused, a statue of President Bill Clinton gets some oral sex, Elton John is in on the act sexually molesting a visitor at the wax museum. The Hulk statue gets a kick in the crotch, even the mighty superheroes Superman and Batman get sexually violated, as well as many other celebrity statues.
Animal statues are no exception, people are giving the animal statues sex as well. Sometimes the animal statues are giving the people sex.
It looks as though everyone is having a good time pretending to have sex with statues. It's all in good fun and done in good taste. Have you sexually abused a statue today?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sex Cartoons And Cartoon Porn - Cartoon Sex
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tattoos On Asses, Tits, And Pussy

Tattoo enthusiasts refer to tattoos as "Ink", "Tats", "Art", "Pieces", or "Work"; and to the tattooists as "Artists". The latter usage is gaining greater support, with mainstream art galleries holding exhibitions of both traditional and custom tattoo designs. Copyrighted tattoo designs that are mass-produced to tattoo artists are known as flash, a notable instance of industrial design. Flash sheets are prominently displayed in many tattoo parlors for the purpose of providing both inspiration and ready-made tattoo images to customers.
Tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility, pledges of love, punishment, amulets and talismans, protection, and as the marks of outcasts, slaves and convicts. The symbolism and impact of tattoos varies in different places and cultures. Tattoos may show how a person feels about a relative, commonly mother or father, and daughter or son, and even a favorite pet.
Tattoos have experienced a resurgence in popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in North and South America, Japan, and Europe. The growth in tattoo culture has seen an influx of new artists into the industry, many of whom have technical and fine arts training. Coupled with advancements in tattoo pigments and the ongoing refinement of the equipment used for tattooing, this has led to an improvement in the quality of tattoos being produced.
During the first decade of the 21st century, the presence of tattoos became evident within pop culture, inspiring television shows such as A&E's Inked and TLC's Miami Ink and LA Ink.
People choose to be tattooed for cosmetic, sentimental, memorial, religious, and magical reasons, and to symbolize their belonging to or identification with particular groups, including criminal gangs, but also a particular ethnic group or law-abiding subculture.
There are many websites set up showing pictures of tattoos people have gotten in unusual places including ass tattoos, tit tattoos, pussy tattoos, and belly button tattoos.
Membership in professional organizations, or certificates of appreciation and achievement, generally helps artists to be aware of the latest trends. However, many of the most notable tattooists do not belong to any association. While specific requirements to become a tattooist vary between jurisdictions, many mandate only formal training in bloodborne pathogens, and cross contamination. The local department of health regulates tattoo studios in many jurisdictions.
For example, according to the health departments in Oregon and Hawaii, tattoo artists in these states are required to take and pass a test ascertaining their knowledge of health and safety precautions, as well as the current state regulations. Performing a tattoo in Oregon state without a proper and current license or in an unlicensed facility is a felony offense. Tattooing was legalized in New York City, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma between 2002 and 2006.
Tattoo artists, and people with tattoos, vary widely in their preferred methods of caring for new tattoos. Some artists recommend keeping a new tattoo wrapped for the first twenty four hours, while others suggest removing temporary bandaging after two hours or less. Many tattooists advise against allowing too much contact with hot tub or pool water, or soaking in a tub for the first two weeks. This is to prevent the tattoo ink from washing out or fading due to over-hydration and to avoid infection from exposure to bacteria and chlorine. In contrast, other artists suggest that a new tattoo be bathed in very hot water early and often. General consensus for care advises against removing the scab that forms on a new tattoo, and avoiding exposing one's tattoo to the sun for extended periods, both of these can contribute to fading of the image.
Examples of Ass tattoos, tit tattoos, pussy tattoos, and belly button tattoos can be seen at
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Flat Rate Advertising Available On
With flat rate advertising your ad is guaranteed to be displayed on the website all month for one set fee without the worry of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Advertisers, stop wasting money on pay per click and pay per impressions campaigns with minimal results costing you top dollar. Flat rate advertising is the way to go. has just introduced flat rate advertising on their website. Low flat rates currently start at $10 a month, and are no more than $50 a month. They accept adult ads, non-adult ads, business and personal. All ads are accepted, no ads are turned away. is a new website launched mid-May 2009, and has been doing very well. They are going against the tide with their flat rate advertising campaign and feel it will work better for them and their advertisers. They want their advertisers coming back and understand that a low flat rate advertising fee will keep them coming back for repeat business.
Not only do they care about their advertisers, they care about their visitors experience on their website as well. Two ingredients for a very successful venture for all involved. is growing rapidly and has become a very popular presence on the Internet in a very short time.
Flat rate advertising on is set low because they do not customize ads, the advertiser supplies them with the banner, picture, or JavaScript code, and they'll link it to the advertisers website. Saving the people at time, and the advertiser lots of money.
Nipple Milk Squirted From Lactating Women

While some people enjoy this sexual fetish, let's be glad our daughters are well taken care of and don't need to resort to having to disgrace themselves.
Believe it or not, there are women out of that do induce lactation for profit. These women squirt their nipple milk through the air, into cereal bowls, into cups, and onto themselves and others while they're being photographed. A search on the Internet for nipple milk fights or squirting lactating nipple milk turns up a lot of pictures.
There's a fetish out there many people have, and enjoy seeing these women squirt their nipple milk onto each other during nipple milk fights, squirting and filling cereal bowls with their nipple milk, and squirting their nipple milk through the air.
Lactation can be induced by physical stimulation and by drugs. In principle, with considerable patience and perseverance, it is possible to induce lactation by sucking on the nipples alone. The nipples may need to be consistently stimulated by a breast pump or actual suckling several times a day, and the breasts massaged and squeezed (milked) to encourage flow of any milk. Temporary use of galactagogue, milk inducing drugs is also effective, galactagogue herbs may also be of use. Once established, lactation responds to demand.
Milk production can be "artificially" and intentionally obtained in the absence of pregnancy in the woman. It is not necessary that the woman has ever been pregnant, and she can be well in her post-menopausal period.
These women must really be down and out on their luck if they are resorting to having their picture taken while squirting their lactating nipple milk for money. You would think that someday these pictures will come back and haunt them. More than likely these women have drug problems, could have been runaways at an early age, or have emotional problems.
Whatever the case, as long as the fetish remains, and in no way is it nearly as bad as some of the other fetishes out there, women will be out there squirting their lactating nipple milk through the air from their lactating breast.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Celebrity Pussy Slips
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Celebrity Nipple Slips And Drunk Celebrities

So, while doing a search on the Internet looking for funny pictures, we came across some pictures of celebrity nipple slips. We found these to be somewhat interesting and thought about adding these to our website. We decided to do our own search for celebrity nipple slips and drunk celebrities. Now, the celebrities that these nipple slips happen to, don't wear bras. My question is, how many of these are actually accidents, and how many of these are done on purpose for publicity and attention?
The reason I ask this question is because I noticed during our search that the same celebrities keep coming up over and over again, which leads us to believe that these particular celebrities are looking for attention and exposure to the paparazzi. In our search there were celebrities with only one or two pictures of nipple slips, we believe the celebrities with only one or two pictures actually had nipple slips accidents and were probably embarrassed by it.
The celebrity pictured above had only one or two pictures which leads us to believe that these were genuine accident nipple slips. Other celebrities had tons of pictures. Now, with that many pictures it would be hard to believe that the these were truly accidents, you think they would have taken precautions to avoid it if they were embarrassed by it.
Do a search for celebrity nipple slips and drunk celebrities and see for yourself. We think, the less pictures a celebrity has of genuine nipple slips, the better and more valuable the picture is. We all love looking at something were not supposed to be looking at, especially the celebrity's forbidden fruit.
Onto the drunk celebrities, hey, they're people too. We love to see our celebrities drunk, it reminds us that they are just like us. Most of the drunk celebrities we've come across were all young and out having a good time. Who can blame them. There were a few older drunk celebrities that looked like they were having very bad days. These people are in the spotlight and surrounded by the paparazzi daily, I guess it comes with the job.
Anyway, we decided to go ahead and add a section to our website titled celebrity nipple slips and drunk celebrities.
A few of the celebrities are both, drunk and having a nipple slip at the same time.
We've compiled over 100 pictures so far and will be adding more.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Watching Paul Stanley And Kiss Concert Videos

Nothing I like doing more on a weekend than turning up the speakers on my surround sound system and watching Paul Stanley and Kiss concert videos. I loved them guys since I was a teenage kid and still enjoy the shows they put on. I was lucky enough to see them perform live a few times, and hope to see them again in the near future. A tour is scheduled for this year and I'm sure to be there, there's nothing like being at a live Kiss concert. Paul Stanley was always my favorite member of the band. As for now I'll keep on watching the videos.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Tornado Videos And More

So I came across a website last night called VideoJuice, it consisted of funny, shocking, and extreme videos. There were some pretty good tornado videos there. You can't really begin to understand the power these things have until you see them first hand, but at the same time they looked beautiful. I also seen several sandstorms, never seen one before, they're pretty amazing. One of my favorite videos was a lightning storm in Canada, I always loved a good storm. There were some funny videos there as well as shocking and extreme videos. I always loved these types of videos. Some of the videos included CNN footage of the attacks on the World Trade Center, these really brought back some bad memories. I got a lot of laughs from the funny videos that were on this particular site! Check it out, there's a nice collection and variety of videos there for everyone.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Is Waterbirth A Growing Trend?

Waterbirth is a method of giving birth, which involves immersion in warm water. Proponents believe that this method is safe and provides many benefits for both mother and infant, including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue that the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant such as infection and water inhalation.
Childbirth can be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intra-uterine environment, and softens light, colors and noises. Waterbirth is accepted and practiced in many parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many European countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where many maternity clinics have birthing tubs. Many independent birthing centers and many home birth midwives offer waterbirth services.
At present, waterbirth is often practiced by those who choose to have a home birth, because the majority of hospitals have not yet installed proper birth pools in their maternity wards, a search on Google will come up with many sites on waterbirth videos.
In 2006, Waterbirth International listed more than 300 U.S. hospitals that offered such facilities. At least two such hospitals were listed in the 2006 U.S. News and World Report "Honor Roll" of best U.S. hospitals: Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor, MI..
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Drinking Permits At An Earlier Age In The United States ?
Explanation And History Of X-Rays
Within a year of German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of x-rays in 1895, people throughout the world knew about Roentgen's work and had seen his first x-ray picture — his wife Bertha's hand, showing her bones, wedding ring, and all. Even before Roentgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 for his discovery, x-ray studios were popping up that sold bone portraits for display in the home.
As their popularity grew, some publications contained inflated claims about x-rays — they could restore vision to the blind, they could raise the dead. Other people expressed a far more skeptical view: "I can see no future in the field," the head of one x-ray clinic reportedly proclaimed. "All the bones of the body and foreign bodies have been demonstrated."
But x-ray was far from a dead-end technology. Instead, it marked the start of a revolution in medical diagnosis. Like other medical imaging technologies that followed, including ultrasound, computed tomography ( or Cat Scan ) scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging ( or MRI ), x-ray can help doctors narrow down the causes of a patient's symptoms without surgery and sometimes diagnose an illness before symptoms even appear. X-rays imaging can be a useful first step in treating a range of problems, from a simple broken bone to a cancerous tumor.
Roentgen labeled the rays he discovered with the scientific symbol "X," meaning unknown, because he didn't understand their makeup at first. x-rays are actually electromagnetic waves. When they are passed through a patient's body to a photographic film on the other side, they create a picture of internal body structures called a radiograph.
You can view many broken bone x-rays and bone fracture x-rays by doing a search on the web. There are many good sites out there.
The less dense a structure of the body is, the more radiation passes through it and reaches the film. The x-rays expose the film, changing its color after it is developed to gray or black, much like light would darken photographic film. Bones, as well as tumors, are more dense than soft tissues. They appear white or light on the x-ray film because they absorb much of the radiation, leaving the film only slightly exposed. Structures that are less solid than bone, such as skin, fat, muscles, blood vessels, and the lungs, intestines, and other organs, appear darker on the film because they let more of the x-rays pass through. Likewise, a break in a bone allows the x-ray beams to pass through, so the break appears as a dark line in the otherwise white bone.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Live Streaming Webcams Are Fun And Very Popular

Started in 1991, the first live video from a live streaming webcam, called the CoffeeCam, was pointed at the Trojan room coffee pot in the computer science department of Cambridge University. But this wasn't truly a live streaming webcam, it was however, a webcam that took a picture at set time intervals and broadcast the picture over the internet. Much different than the live video we think of now when we say live streaming webcams.
In addition to use for personal videoconferencing, it was quickly realised that internet users enjoyed viewing live video from live streaming webcams set up by others elsewhere in the world.
Today the world has millions of live streaming webcams and live video cams, and more and more are popping up everyday ! One of the most widely reported live streaming webcam sites was JenniCam, started in 1996, which allowed internet users to constantly observe the life of its namesake, somewhat like the reality TV series Big Brother.
Educators use live streaming webcams and live video to take their students on virtual field trips to museums, zoos, historical places, and anywhere else there are live streaming webcams of educational value. People are even using live streaming webcams to monitor the live video of their homes, especially to check on pets, while they're away at work or away from home.
Today there are millions of live streaming webcams, and live video cams that provide views into homes, offices and other buildings as well as providing panoramic views of cities (Metrocams) and the countryside. Live streaming webcams and live video cams are used to monitor traffic with TraffiCams, the weather with WeatherCams and even volcanoes with VolcanoCams. Just about anything you can think of, there is live video from a live streaming webcam out there.
Do a Google search on live streaming webcams or live video and you're sure to find something that interests you.